True Peace ONLY comes from knowing Jesus!! Do you KNOW Him???

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Christmas was back to reality!

I absolutely love the Christmas season! This Christmas was no different. My mom came in for Thanksgiving, and we had a wonderful time with her!! Then for Christmas we opened presents here and then headed to Texas to spend the rest of the holiday with Lee's family. The kids were super excited because they got a Connect for the XBox, so needless to say it went to Texas with us. We had a wonderful and restful time in Texas. It was in the 6o's and 70's the whole week...lets just say moma did not pack everyone for summer :-( Lee's parents did not know we were coming so when we arrived they were so excited to see him. The entire week was full of seeing family and sharing memories. It was also a chance for me to polish up on my Spanish...this year I think I managed not to say anything stupid!!! Whoo hoo!! When we returned from Texas it did not take long for life to get back to normal. So far this year we have had several accomplishments...we finished our 21 day Fast (PTL!!), we had an extreme night of Worship at the Church, we held our Winter Intercession Gathering (that went beautifully), and I have learned and worked (parts) of the media boards at the Marble Hill location of CFA! Whew! And its only the 25th of January!! Looks like it is going to be an amazing year for the Sanchez Family!

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