True Peace ONLY comes from knowing Jesus!! Do you KNOW Him???

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

About time...

I just happened to glance at my FB page and saw that I had a blogspot. Is it weird that I forgot I had one?? I really am trying to get into this computer stuff, but am struggling to find the time. Anyway...tons has happened since last summer so I guess I will try to catch up over my next few posts. Probably the biggest change was our addition to the the baby yet...but a teenager. My niece Larissa came to live with us in October. She has been such a wonderful addition to our family. She has been a nice feminine change for Madolyn. She has done amazing here and is doing great in school. The plan is for her to go to Alabama to visit for the Summer and we will go from there. I sure hope she comes does the kids! She got a new hairdo looks awesome. I am learning a lot about teenagers and fast. Lesson learned today...a good hairdo will make a teen girl Very happy!!! Wonder what I will learn tomorrow????

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