True Peace ONLY comes from knowing Jesus!! Do you KNOW Him???

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I had the goal of doing nothing this Summer. Well...not exactally what I had planned! We started the summer with Violin lessons and instructions for Justin's bandcamp. After 4 weeks of bandcamp and a new marumba at the house Justin has officially become a man of percussion. He is still taking drum lessons on the weekend, and now he has some things to practice on the marumba!! Russell will complete his violin lessons for the summer in the next couple of weeks. As for Lee...well, we are blessed that he is working. However, because of all of the cutbacks at the Railroad they are working him to death. He finally has vacation next week and we decided to stay at home and just rest!! So crossing my fingers that is what the plan is!!
It has also been a summer of suprises. The summer started with a suprise visit from my mom!! What a wonderful way to start the summer!! She helped me to get some deep cleaning done! Yuck!! She also brought a puppy with her, Rosco, and the kids fell in love! I am happy to announce that we were able to get her to take the dog back with her, contrary to the kids desires!! A week after my mom left we got another suprise. I got a call that my dad had a heart attack! We dropped everything and headed for Ohio. When we got there it was hard to see dad in a weak state!! He has always been the strong, healthy one in the family!! He recovered quickly and is scheduled to have the other blockage removed the end of August. I am believing that when the docs go to look for the blockage it will have already been healed!!! As for Maddie she is still looking for a hobby or sport. She is so creative! I am always amazed at her ability to write such beautiful stories. Maybe she will be an author or something!! For me, well it has been a summer of recovery for me. I have been doing pulmonary rehab 2x a week and am making progress. The O2 is helping, and I hope to be off of it by the end of the summer. I also had a cyst removed last week. I'll go back in 2 weeks to see if it was a success.
It's the middle of July and it seems like it has been a much busier summer than I had planned, but overall it has been a wonderful summer getting to hang out with my hubby, kids and family. As for he rest of the summer...............?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

First time blogging

Hello All,

I am trying to keep up with technical stuff! So I am off to blogging... So this afternoon I am supose to have a cyst cut off my wrist. Watched a video on Youtube...and uh...ew!!! I am planning on having company for dinner so I hope it does not hurt that bad afterward!! Lee has been working so hard and I am so looking forward to our vacation next week!!! He needs the rest and I need him!!! :-) We are all looking forward to time together in the pool! So enough blogging...I need to clean up my house before I go get cut on and prepare for dinner with friends! Yea!!!